Year 3&4

Global Fortnight in 3/4

In September, a Year 3/4 class studied Japan as their global country. The children had great fun experiencing the Japanese culture with the help of special visitors.

The children took part in a traditional tea ceremony; dressed in kimonos; learnt the art of paper folding-origami; made sushi; took part in a karate lesson and enjoyed many more aspects of this culture.

Fab Photos from Wonkaville!

Take a look at our photos from the fabulous Y3/4 production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Can you find yourself and your friends? Click on each photo to take a closer look!



Easter Production 2014 – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


The children in Year 3/4 worked incredibly hard at the end of the Spring Term to put on a production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There were lines to learn, songs and dances to rehearse, costumes, sets and props to prepare.  The performance was a huge success and we all had great fun!