Year 3&4

Marathon Fundraising Total So Far!

Click to go to our fundraiser on the JustGiving site!

Wow! So far, the Star Wars marathon has raised over £1000 – more than double our target! 

On May 4th pupils came into school dressed in sportswear and trainers… ready to run, to raise funds to support the British Red Cross. The Red Cross are doing vital work and providing essential supplies to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine and the school council decided they would like for us to support this effort.

Thank you to all the Fishergate community who have generously donated so far. If you would like to make a donation, you can still do so – just click on the picture to go straight to our fundraising page. You can also help by sharing this page with your friends and family!

Well done to Mrs Clarke, and all our amazing children!

May the Fourth be With You, everyone!

Family Matters Primary Years Courses – January 2022


Happy New Year! Hope you survived Christmas and that your children have gone back to school ok.

We have two Primary Years courses starting the week after next, one in person and one online.

Details are below:

Time Out for Parents – the Primary Years:

  • Tuesday evenings 7.15 to 9pm for 5 weeks
    starting 18th January, online via Zoom.
    For flyer click here
  • Wednesday mornings 9.30 to 11.30am for 5 weeks
    starting 19th January at
    Heworth Methodist Church, Heworth Village, York YO31 1AE
    For flyer click here

To book a place or for further information please contact Helen Atkinson on 07393 147259, or email You can find more information about our courses on our website

Do follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Family Matters “Handling Anger” Courses – January 2022


Happy New Year! Hope you survived Christmas and that your children have gone back to school ok.

We have three Handling Anger courses starting the week after next, one in person and two online.

Details are below:

Handling Anger in the Family

  • Monday evenings 7.15 to 9pm for 4 weeks
    starting 17th January, online via Zoom.
    For flyer click here
  • Tuesday mornings 9.30 to 11.30am for 4 weeks
    starting 18th January at
    The Avenues Children’s Centre, Sixth Ave, Tang Hall, YO31 0TX
    For flyer click here
  • Thursday afternoons 12.45 to 2.45pm for 4 weeks
    starting 27th January, online via Zoom.
    For flyer click here

To book a place or for further information please contact Helen Atkinson on 07393 147259, or email You can find more information about our courses on our website

Do follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.