On the 21st July, instead of turkey, children who have chose a school lunch will be offered a choice of sausage, quorn sausage or jacket potato and tuna. For more information about school lunches, please see this page.
Year 3&4
Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Updated Menu for the Second Half of Term
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, News, Year 3&4
Important Notice – Bubble Closure (Y3/4 GE)
Dear Parent/Carer We are very sorry to have to inform you that someone in Mrs Engleman’s class has tested positive on a lateral flow test today meaning that children in this class will need self isolate from today while we…
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, News, Parent Partnership, Year 3&4
Bubble Closure (3/4 DE/ED)
Dear Parent/Carer, We are very sorry to have to inform you that someone in your child’s class has tested positive on a lateral flow test today meaning they will need to self isolate and we willl need to close the…
Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Menu Alteration – Thursday 20th May 2021
(Jacket Potato with Baked Beans will still be available as an alternative for those children who prefer)
Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Summer Term Menu
Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Spring Menu from 8/3/21
Early Years, News, Newsletters, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Mrs Clarke’s letter to the children 25/2/21
Community News, Early Years, English News, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
World Book Day 2021
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Information about Live Online Teaching
Some of our learning offer is live using Google Meet, and occasionally Zoom. When your child is
accepted into a video chat by their teacher, there are certain guidelines we all must follow. Please see the document linked to find out about our protocols and expectations for live online teaching.
Click here to find more information about remote, blended and home learning at Fishergate School.