Young Voices 2018 – click here to download the initial letter as a .pdf
Year 5&6
News, Parent Partnership, Year 5&6
Starting Year 7 in September 2018?
You may apply for a secondary school place for your child in the September of Year 6. You should apply by 31 October. Open evenings Open evenings are held in September and October each year for prospective pupils to look around each…
Community News, News, RE News, Year 5&6
Design Competition entries by Year 5/6
Year 5/6 entered an exciting competition, in July, to create a traditional Islamic geometric design, which can be translated onto tiles in order to decorate the inside of the Mihrab in the new Mosque on Bull Lane. The mihrab is the niche at the front of the mosque that shows the direction towards Mecca, and is where the Imam stands to lead the prayer. It therefore acts as a focal point for worshippers at each of the five obligatory daily prayers.
The competition is open to schools in the York are and only 2 entries are allowed per school. We are pleased to announce the winners from Fishergate are Freddie H and Mia K. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges including local artists and dignitaries and members of the mosque around the end of January 2018.
Good luck Freddie and Mia!
Year 5&6
Upper KS2 Curriculum News Autumn Term 2017
This term’s topic is
Topics in other subjects are:
- Computing: E-safety & Music and Sound
- Science: Evolution and Inheritance
- Properties and Changes of Materials (Potions!)
- DT: Cooking and Nutrition
- Music: Livin’ on a Prayer
- Art: Textiles
- PE: Orienteering, Tag rugby, Netball, Football
- RE: If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?
- Foreign Languages: French
- Geography: Vegetable belts and biomes (Herbology!)
This term we will focus on these topics:
- Multiples
- Place value of large numbers and decimals
- Formal written strategies for the four operations
- Fractions
- Properties of 2D and 3D shape
Please take time each week to help your child practise for the next sticker on their Going for Gold certificate and support them in their weekly maths homework and Mathletics tasks.
We will be focusing on the following:
- Explanation writing
- Instructions
- Developing skills in editing and redrafting
- Poetry techniques
- Playscripts
Please help your child practise the spellings they are given each week in their planner as well as their bookmark spellings.
Thank you for your support
Dani Rees, Josh Burnell, Andrea Walton & Sarah Wilson
Click to download the Year 5-6 Autumn Term Curriculum News as a .pdf
Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Autumn 2017 Menu
Year 5&6
Welcome to a new year in 5/6
Early Years, Music News, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Happy harmonies by the family choir
The Fishergate Family Choir met for the last time this term on Monday. We have great fun learning new songs and singing lots of different rounds and harmonies. Here’s a little snippet!
Please find your class stall list outside the classrooms and sign up or tell Emma in the office and she will put your name down. Half an hour from each parent helps enormously. If you can stay to help at 5pm to help clear up please do…..
We need to be able to play music for the gymnasts to do their display and we will also need a microphone, both with amplification. Can you help? Where can we borrow from?? Final plea for cake contributions on the day – thank-you – let’s make it a great summer fair xFriends of Fishergate
Music News, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Last choir next week – 28th June
To all the parents, carers and children,
Thank you for all your hard work and support this year at choir. We have taken part in so many different activities this school year, including carol singing in the city centre and at Selby Abbey, singing at the Cgristmas fair and, of course, Young Voices. You have all been brilliant!
Next week (Wednesday 28th June) will be out last choir session before the summer holidays as there are so many different things happening in the last few weeks of term for both staff and pupils.
We hope to see lots of familiar faces back at choir next year. We have another very exciting year ahead of us!
Kind regards,
Rachel Teale and Liz Spain.
Forest School, Year 5&6
Year 5/6 Forest Schools
Year 5 and 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their Forest School experiences this term. We have made frames with our knot-tying techniques, built our own dens (and tested them in wet conditions) and have now started work on a new project…