A letter and form regarding the clubs on offer over the summer term has been sent home in book bags – the clubs request form can also be downloaded here. We ask that you go through the list with your child…
Year 5&6
Early Years, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
A new menu for next term
News, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
First Aid Training
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KS2 were fortunate to have a visit from St John’s Ambulance where all the children took part in a practical session. We covered making a primary survey of a casualty to moving the casualty into the recovery position. The children were fantastic listeners and the course was presented in a fun way starting with a Mr Bean way of NOT to do it!
Early Years, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Easter Lunch Menu 6/4/17
We will also have a flash read at 9.00 in both halls. Every child and adult will bring their reading book into the hall and read silently together. If parents and carers would like join us with their own books we would love to see them.
Early Years will have a “stay and read” session in their setting.
Key Stage One will meet in the lower hall.
Key Stage Two will meet in the upper hall.
We look forward to seeing you!Dani Rees, Deputy Headteacher
News, Year 5&6
We has an amazing time at Robinwood!
Music News, News, Year 5&6
Y5/6 Composition Workshop
News, Science News, Year 5&6
Lunar photography
News, PE and Sport, Year 5&6
Y5/6 Football Club will start 27/2
Apologies for the inconvenience but, due to the dark nights, the year 5/6 Football club on a Monday night will not be starting until Monday 27th February.
Many thanks.
News, Year 5&6
Spring Term Curriculum News for Y5/6
Download the Year 5 and 6 Curriculum News document as a .pdf