Year 5&6

Painting the Sistine Chapel

We investigated images from the ceiling  of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo.  Then we used the Book of Genesis to inspire our own art—and painted upside down!

It was really tricky!  Our arms were tired and we got quite a bit of paint in our hair!

Ten Pieces Inspiration Day

On Wednesday this week Y5/6 went to the Early Music Centre for a Ten Pieces Inspiration Day. We had a fantastic time listening to music played live by the York St John Concert Band, watching the Ten Pieces film and taking part in a body percussion workshop! Some children were able to sit in with the band whilst they were playing, it did get quite loud but it was great fun!

Ask any of our Y5/6 children to show you their moves from Stomp!

We even made it on to the York Press website with photos and a video!

There once was a….

…teacher most proud,

Of that clever year five and six crowd,

With their wit and their rhymes,

She lost count of the times,

That their lim’ricks made her laugh out loud!

Mrs Walton’s Class

Ms Rees’ Class


Yr 5/6 Sportshall Athletics

Wednesday 12th November, saw the Yr 5/6 Fishergate Athletics squad take part in the Sportshall Athletics competition at Archbishop Holgate School. The team competed in a series of track and field events against Hemplands, Badger Hill and St Oswalds, with…