Curriculum Overview

Click on the links under the Curriculum menu to find out more about our curriculum offer

Key Principles for our Curriculum at Fishergate Primary School

Subjects               The essential knowledge to be educated, global citizens as set out in the National Curriculum.Fused together with our own personalised school curriculum which includes:

  • Outdoor opportunities including Forest School and the local area
  • Utilising parental and volunteer expertise
  • prioritising inclusion and personalisation
  • working creatively whilst embracing in and cross phase links
  • providing a topic- based approach in which pupils can follow their own interests



Golden Threads               Vocabulary development, creativity, first hand/real life learning, personalisation, cultural experiences (e.g. seaside, library, art gallery) Local Context                Easily accessible local area provides a rich learning resource Huge socio-economic and cultural diversity of catchment  

Strength of relationship with families and volunteers


Genuine inclusion – culture of tolerance and celebration of difference

Fishergate Primary School Curriculum Aims               Our curriculum:

  • Provides equal opportunities for all pupils, recognising the worth of different abilities, skills and talents of individuals and groups of pupils
  • Prepares children for membership of a culturally diverse society
  • Widens horizons, and encourages an appetite for learning
  • Fosters self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence and understanding of the beliefs and opinions of others
  • Develops a partnership between the family, school and the community
  • Ensures deep learning and mastery of concepts
Essential Skills/Competencies               Self-regulation, emotional resilience, independence, communication

Want to find out more?

Please explore the links under the Curriculum menu for planning and progression documents and further information about the content of the curriculum for all subjects.

For information about how we make our curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, please see our SEND Information page and our Accessibility Plan and other relevant policies which can be found on our Policies & Documents page.

Parents and carers are, of course, always welcome to ask their child’s teacher if they have queries about what their child is learning.


Fishergate School follows the Department for Education’s Early Years Foundation Stage, and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2. You can find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage, the EYFS Statutory Framework, and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, which includes the programmes of study for all subjects, on the website.