

Our aim at Fishergate Primary School is for all children to enjoy mathematics and create inquisitive and knowledgeable mathematicians, ready for secondary school and beyond. We teach using a mastery approach, ensuring that the foundations of mathematics are embedded early in our children’s school lives, then build on these using engaging and, where possible, real life contexts throughout their academic journey. 


Our Long Term Planning is developed from the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 and from the Early Learning Goals for the Early Years. Teachers’ planning makes use of a range of other resources such as NCETM spines, White Rose Small Steps and Mastering Number. These support teachers in developing carefully planned lessons to create a coherent curriculum. In Early Years, children experience a mixture of whole class teaching, group inputs as well as Maths being carefully woven into areas of provision.

Throughout school, children are encouraged to use concrete materials, pictorial and abstract representations to expose the Maths concept that is being taught and to deepen their understanding. 

During lessons, children are seated specifically to promote rich mathematical discussion. This ensures there is no limit to children’s outcomes, whatever their starting point. High expectations and excellent subject knowledge ensure that all children are challenged. Children’s work is either live marked or marked quickly to ensure that misconceptions are addressed so children can access the next lesson.


Children at Fishergate develop a growth mindset and positive attitudes towards Maths. Children learn in an inclusive and supportive environment where resilience is fostered and mistakes lead to a deeper understanding.

Children are regularly assessed to inform planning and shape interventions.

Parents and carers will have a good understanding of how they can support their children with Maths at home and celebrate their child’s achievements.

Maths Resources