EYU Cake Sale!

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  • Come and buy a treat!
  • In the downstairs hall straight after school
  • Each year group takes a turn to bring in cakes (bought or home-made)
  • Friends of Fishergate helpers sell the wares
  • Contributions don’t have to be homemade but please remember that we are a nut-free school!
  • It’s really helpful if you can bring the right change

Please send your generous and lovely baked goods into school with your child on the day. Without your amazing baking skills, tasty donations and an eagerness to sell and eat them, this just otherwise would not be happening. So a big YAY to all of you! Thank you for all your efforts.

Cake Stall Helpers

To run this cake stall, we do need your help! We are looking for volunteers to act as named contacts to remind your class families about upcoming sale dates and donations. Also to organise parent helpers to set up and serve on the stall. For smooth running each cake sale needs a minimum of 3-4 helpers from 3pm. This is a commitment once a term, to go all in for fundraising for your child’s class. If you can help please let your child’s teacher know, contact Friends or drop a message to the school office.