Come and buy a treat! In the downstairs hall straight after school Each year group takes a turn to bring in cakes (bought or home-made) Friends of Fishergate helpers sell the wares Contributions don’t have to be homemade but please…
Blog Archives
Y3/4 Cake Sale!
Come and buy a treat! In the downstairs hall straight after school Each year group takes a turn to bring in cakes (bought or home-made) Friends of Fishergate helpers sell the wares Contributions don’t have to be homemade but please…
Y5/6 Cake Sale!
Come and buy a treat! In the downstairs hall straight after school Each year group takes a turn to bring in cakes (bought or home-made) Friends of Fishergate helpers sell the wares Contributions don’t have to be homemade but please…
FoF Summer Disco – KS2
FoF Summer Disco – EYU & KS1
FoF Plant Sale and Uniform Jumble
FoF Plant Sale and Uniform Jumble
Menu Alteration
Please note that next week there will be a change to the advertised menu. On Thursday 19th May the children will be offered a choice of: Beef burger in a bun Cheese and tomato pizza Jacket Potato
Menu Alteration
Please note that next week there will be a change to the advertised menu. On Tuesday 17th May, the children will now be offered Chinese style chicken curry with rice, BBQ quorn fillet with rice, or a jacket potato option.
Platinum Jubilee Garden Party
A date for your diaries for this half term is Friday 27th May, when we are planning to have a Platinum Jubilee Garden Party for the children. We are in the early stages of planning, but do know that we…