Blog Archives

Y5/6 Harry Potter Day

When: December 1, 2017 @ 8:45 am – 6:30 pm

Pupils are invited to dress as a character from the world of Harry Potter for the day.  We will spend much of the day preparing and cooking food from the children’s own recipes for a feast in the afternoon.  Because…

KS1 Trip to York Art Gallery

When: November 27, 2017 @ 9:15 am

We will be visiting York Art Gallery to support our art topic.  We will carry out a self-led tour of the gallery and the children will have a chance to work in their sketch books and share their ideas.  We…

Friends of Fishergate Meeting

When: November 9, 2017 @ 8:00 pm

Dear all, There is a Friends meeting on Thursday 9th November at 8pm in the Seahorse Pub. We are planning the film night (17th November), the Christmas shop (7th and 8th December) and the Christmas fair (19th December). If you’d…