Who are FoF?
Friends of Fishergate (FoF) is a registered charity group for Fishergate Primary School. A small committee group is supported by a wide and varied group of adults with school connections, who help out whenever they can, to plan & organise events, generously give their time and ultimately support the school by attending & participating in the events.
Friendly and informal meetings are open to all and held regularly each term. The dates for FoF meetings and events are included in the school calendar.
What does FoF do?
FoF brings together the parents, carers, family members and teachers of the children in our school and helps to create our inclusive community. Regular fundraising events and projects through the year are very sociable and are enjoyed by the children and their families, alike. The funds raised each year go directly to the school to further the enrichment of our children’s learning journeys, often in the form of equipment, tools, treats and subsidising trips, experiences and more.
Friends of Fishergate Coffee Mornings!
We are delighted that we have been able to restart the Friends of Fishergate coffee mornings! Every Thursday, 9am -10am, free tea & coffee, biscuits and sometimes cake in the staff room. Open to all adults with children in the school. Friendly group of parents and carers, young siblings welcome, pop in and join us to say hello!
Reasons to get involved
Friends always look to warmly encourage new and existing families to get involved, welcoming fresh ideas, wider skill sets and experience from all. There is always a positive team spirit, a strong sense of achievement and bonding at each of our events. Above all else it is a great way to get to know other families in the school, make new friends and reinforce the school community.
Are you interested to find out more about FoF fundraising activities?
Do you think that you can help out on a basis that suits you?
Do you want to come to a meeting or become a committee member?
Please drop an email to friendsoffishergateschool@gmail.com say hello and join our mailing list. We can’t wait to hear from you!
What kind of fundraising events?
- Regular cake sales
- Uniform sales
- School discos
- School Fairs Summer & Christmas
- Christmas themed events, as well as
- Spring plant
- Social’s
- ‘Shopping for a Cause’ – fundraising through online shopping.
Click here for the Friends of Fishergate fundraising hub!
You can find out about FoF events – and lots more that is happening in school – on the website calendar. You can read up on our fundraising achievements in our termly newsletter.
If you have any suggestions for fundraising, please contact us or come to a meeting and let us know your ideas. We would love to see you.