Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

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We believe that emotional well-being is key and as a result deliver weekly PSHCE/RSE lessons, as well as using Zones of Regulation strategies in the classrooms.

In addition we are lucky to have three wonderful Emotional Literacy Support Assistants who deliver b espoke well-being sessions to individual or to small groups, following referrals from class teachers. All this work is supported by the School Well-being Service.

Zones of regulation – What are they and how can we use this strategy?

Click for a larger .pdf version!

Emotional Well-being activities to try at home

Supporting children to manage their emotions and promote positive mental health can be very difficult. Talking openly about positive and ‘negative’ feelings and modelling that we all have these feelings is important. Feeling angry, frustrated or sad is as normal as feeling excited, happy or proud but it is important to teach children safe and healthy strategies in expressing and managing these emotions.

The activities here are designed to promote positive mental wellbeing and encourage children to think and talk about their feelings.  They also promote healthy discussion within families.  Most of all they should be fun!

Activities are not designed for a particular stage/age so all children are encouraged to have a look and try some of the activities.

Emotion coaching – how to talk through emotions and develop strategies:  

Click for a full-sized .pdf version of the introduction to emotion coaching

Recognising and Naming emotions:


Strategies to support managing emotions