Our school has a policy and ethos of involving parents and carers in all aspects of their child’s education. It is crucial that you as a parent/carer feel involved in this process.
- We encourage you to address any concerns with the class teacher, and the schools open door policy (with parents/carers bringing children to the classroom until Year 2) supports this.
- You are invited to a parent/carer’s evening appointment twice a year. In addition, children who are on the SEND register at Band 2 and above will have a termly review of progress with the Inclusion leader and class teacher, you will be encouraged to complete a parent/carer passport to share concerns, strategies and achievements.
- Children with statements or EHCPs will have a formal annual review.
- We will always receive minutes from any meeting we hold in the form that you prefer.
- Day to day concerns are communicated by methods appropriate to the child. For some children this will involve a home-school communication book, while others may need a brief daily handover between parents/carers and teacher.
- You can also help your child by making sure they are at school everyday, by hearing them read and helping with homework and by giving them lots of praise for the progress they make. We may also work together to devise a plan of short activities you can do at home to support your child make progress.
- You will be invited to a termly coffee morning where you will have the opportunity to chat with other parents/carers and the Inclusion leader. You will also receive a termly newsletter. ‘Bright Sparks’ offers useful ideas, links and SEND relating to the world of SEND. You are free to contribute to the newsletter.