
Jackie Hudson

May I add my welcome to Fishergate School. My name is Jackie Hudson and I am the Chair of Governors.  I have had three children through Fishergate School and have been on the Governing Body in a variety of roles over many years.

The Governing Body is comprised of parent representatives, staff, members of the local community and Local Authority representatives. We meet together twice each term to share in the leadership of the school.  We support the Headteacher and senior leadership team and ensure they are sufficiently challenged!  We fully support the open and inclusive ethos of the school and its desire to serve the local community.  York is a great place to bring up children and we are fortunate that Fishergate School is so close to the heart of the City with all the rich learning opportunities this brings.

Many governors are in and around Fishergate School on a regular basis and we are always happy to meet parents, friends or members of the local community. You will always receive a warm welcome from the school!Jackie Hudson, Chair of Governors

The Governing Body  is made up of representatives of the school staff, parents, the Local Authority and members of the local community. The chair of the governing body can be contacted via the school, or directly by emailing

Name of GovernorCategoryAppointing BodyTerm of OfficeAdditional Responsibilities
Mrs Jacqueline HudsonCo-optedGoverning body22/06/2023 - 21/06/2027Chair of Governors
Safeguarding Link Governor
Mrs Christina ClarkeHeadteacherBy virtue of office01/09/2015 -
Mrs Andrea WaltonStaffStaff body16/09/2022 - 15/09/2026
Ms Lisa OtterParentParent body16/10/2023 - 15/10/2027
Dr Alisun PawleyParentParent body1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026Vice Chair
SEND Link Governor
Mr Richard SharpeParentParent Body04/03/2024 – 03/03/2028
Mr Greg ThorntonParentParent Body04/03/2024 – 03/03/2028
Mr Tim AndrewCo-optedGoverning body23/09/24 – 22/09/28tbc
Mr Gareth HydesCo-optedGoverning Body18/03/2024 – 17/03/2028
Ms Lorybelle ManasLAGoverning body09/12/24 - 08/12/28tbc
Mr Bill TwistCo-optedGoverning Body01/09/2022 - 31/08/2026

Working Parties and Committees

In addition to participating in the full Local Governing Body, governors may also serve on one or more of the following working parties or sub-committees:

  • Finance, Resources & Staffing Working Party:
    Attending Membership: Chair of Governors, Headteacher, Greg Thornton
    Attendees: SFM
  • Progress and Standards Working Party:
    Chair: Jackie Hudson (Chair of Governors)
    Attendees: Chair of Governors, Headteacher, Alisun Pawley, Gareth Hydes
  • Health & Safety Working Party:
    Attending Membership: Chair of Governors, Headteacher, Bill Twist
    Attendees: SFM, Site Manager, Health and Safety staff representative
  • Pay Committee:
    Chair: Jackie Hudson
    Members: Jackie Hudson (Chair of Governors), Alisun Pawley
    Attendee: Headteacher
  • Headteacher Performance Management Committee:
    Members: Jackie Hudson (Chair of Governors), External Challenge Partner
    Attendee: Headteacher
  • Pay Appeals Committee:
    Members: 3 (non-staff) Governors who do not already sit on the Pay Committee

Former members (who have served in the past 12 months)

Name of GovernorCategoryAppointing BodyTerm of OfficeAdditional ResponsibilitiesCommittee Membership
Ms Francesca MoxonParent - appointedParent body06/03/2020 - 05/03/2024Co Vice ChairFinance, Resources & Staffing Working Party
Pay Committee

Governance Documents

You will find the Code of Conduct for Fishergate School governors, together with a wide range of policies and other documents, on the Policies & Documents page of our website.

Register of Business and Relevant Interests

The Governing Body maintains a register of relevant interests for members.

Click here for the Fishergate Register of Interests 2024-25

Governing Body Meeting Attendance

Minutes of the FGB Meetings