Priority 1 – Raising Attainment
- Develop staff understanding of how to support pupils with difficulties with working memory
- Develop fluency in Reading, building on a foundation of solid phonics
- Improve progress in Maths, including the Y4 multiplication tables check
Priority 2 – Teaching and Learning
- Implement the RADY (raising the attainment of disadvantaged youngsters) approach through school in order to address the gap that disadvantage causes
- Develop staff understanding of how to support pupils with EAL in their learning
- To enhance existing Quality First teaching using adaptive teaching methods
Priority 3 – Behaviour and Welfare
- To improve overall attendance %, and punctuality of Fishergate’s vulnerable pupils
- To improve outcomes for disadvantaged families by being the named school for the Family Hubs Team around the School pilot
Priority 4 – Leadership and Management
- All subject leaders have a thorough overview for their subject across the school, especially those subject leaders who are new to their subject (Computing, DT, RE/Music, PE)
- Respond to the school’s changing intake so that all our pupils and their families are supported effectively
2022 – 2023
Priority 1 – Raising Attainment
- To ensure that children who arrive in EYU with limited or delayed speech and language skills can begin to close the gap with their peers
- To raise the attainment of lowest 20% of readers through consolidating a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics and reading throughout school
- To raise the attainment of prior high-attainers in maths
Priority 2 – Teaching and Learning
- To ensure that interventions are carefully targeted and specific and that effective assessment allows for the impact to be measured effectively, thus having a positive impact on the rates of progress that a pupil can make
- Develop effective teaching strategies to enable children to retain relevant key knowledge and activate prior knowledge when learning new topics
Priority 3 – Behaviour and Welfare
- To improve overall attendance % whilst reducing % of children classed as persistent absentees
- To narrow the attainment gap between Fishergate disadvantaged and national disadvantaged pupils, particularly in reading
Priority 4 – Leadership and Management
- To ensure that subject leaders have a thorough understanding of how their subject is taught through school and that they use this knowledge to ensure that children are supported to make good progress from EYU to Y6
- To use a range of monitoring and data analysis to ensure that any patterns with the attainment of specific groups is identified and the appropriate support is put in place
- Ensure that our recently planned curriculum becomes securely embedded and that it is delivered with rigour and consistency, further enriching children’s curriculum experiences
2021 – 2022
- To ensure that children who arrive in EYU with limited or delayed speech and language skills can begin to close the gap with their peers
- To raise standards in EYU, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, with a focus on phonics, spelling and vocabulary, ensuring that the percentage of pupils who attain the expected standard by the end if the key stage is above national
- To raise the attainment of low attaining readers through consolidating a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics and reading throughout school
- To implement a recovery curriculum that is built on the learning needs of Fishergate children
- To make sure that curriculum provision takes into account the needs of all disadvantaged children and ensures that they have full access
- To continue to develop a self-sustaining system which supports children who display more challenging behaviour
- To narrow the attainment gap between Fishergate disadvantaged and national disadvantaged pupils; particularly in reading
- To ensure that the parents/carers of our lowest attaining disadvantaged children can have a positive impact on their child’s learning
- To support the very small group of children who do not see themselves as learners
- To lead the re-establishment of the SPP peer review model and use it to drive school improvement across the cluster
- To evaluate the extent to which Fishergate pupils experience a vibrant and inspirational curriculum which extends their skills and deepens their knowledge
- To ensure that pupils make expected progress from October 2020 baseline data; particularly in reading and maths
- To improve maths attainment so that end of Key Stage 1 and 2 percentages remain at or return to being above the national averages
- To ensure that high quality, impactful home-learning is in place
- To pilot a new behaviour outreach initiative (BOSS) for York Local Authority
- To address the SEMH needs that have arisen as a result of Covid-19
- To raise the attainment of the group of children who are supported by pupil premium funding
- To ensure that the curriculum reflects Fishergate’s aims, values and context; giving our pupils the skills, knowledge and experiences that they need
- To implement a recovery curriculum that is based on the learning needs of our children – focusing on maths, English and learning skills
- To ensure that high quality home-learning is available for all children in the event of bubble closures/self-isolation or lock-down
- To support higher level teaching assistants to ensure that all children can make progress in their lessons
- To strengthen leadership and mentoring skills by providing school-to-school support, brokered by the local authority, for another York school
- To improve work-life balance through reducing teacher workload
- To undertake school improvement using the SPP peer review ‘Rapid Response’ Covid focus
- To ensure that pupils make expected progress; particularly in reading and maths
- To improve maths attainment so that end of Key Stage 1 and 2 percentages remain at or return to being above the national averages
- To embed the modelled writing approach in LKS2 and introduce it throughout school.
- To ensure that we are able to offer the best possible SEMH support, including managing challenging behaviour, to our children and their parents/carers
- To introduce a parent and family support system designed to prevent, as well as treat, behavioural and emotional problems in children
- To raise the attainment of the group of children who are supported by pupil premium funding
- To ensure that the curriculum reflects Fishergate’s aims, values and context; giving our pupils the skills, knowledge and experiences that they need
- To support higher level teaching assistants to ensure that all children can make progress in their lessons
- To strengthen leadership and mentoring skills by providing school-to-school support, brokered by the local authority, for another York school
- To improve work-life balance through reducing teacher workload
Click here for the School Development Plan and Priorities for 2016-2019