Upper KS2 Curriculum News Autumn 2019

This term’s topic is

Harry Potter

Topics in other subjects are:

Illustration of a Hogwarts student in a red robe, holding a broomstick and looking at the Quidditch field.

Computing: E-safety & Databases

Science: Evolution and Inheritance (Fantastic Beasts!)

              Properties and Changes of Materials (Potions!)

DT: Cooking and Nutrition

Music:  Livin’ on a Prayer

Art: Wax Resist

PE: Orienteering, Tag rugby, Netball, Football

RE: If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?

Foreign Languages: French

Geography: Vegetable belts and biomes (Herbology!)


This term we will focus on these topics:-

  • Place value of large numbers and decimals
  • Formal written strategies for the four operations
  • Statistics

Please take time each week to help your child practise their times tables and support them in their weekly maths homework.


We will be focusing on the following:-

  • Non-chronological reports (Global fortnight)
  • Explanation writing
  • Narrative (story) writing
  • Developing skills in editing and redrafting
  • Poetry techniques

Please help your child practise their bookmark spellings which are in their planner.

Thank you for your support,

Dani Rees, Josh Burnell, Andrea Walton & Matt Snowden